Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sacred Fish Sei Janiah

Vacation Star | Sacred Fish Sei Janiah | A legend who is still living in the community. The legend associated with the presence of fish in a pond known as the River Janiah (Sacred Fish).


The fish in the pond, is considered a sacred fish that should not be arrested let alone eaten, because it will cause harm if eaten. According to the beliefs of the population, the fish came from a couple young man who fell into the pond.

Uniquely fish also eat anything that can be eaten by humans such as crackers, bread, shellfish and others. Fish that are considered sacred is a two-tail and usually will show themselves at the feast of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha).

This tour is located in the village of Sei Janiah. Baso District ± 13 km to the east of Bukittinggi.

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