Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Vacation Star | Menumbai | Menumbai is the activity taking honey bees in the beehive tree. Beehive tree is a tall tree and is often used by wild bees to nest.


before climbing beehive tree to take the honey from the nest, first prepared the following equipment:

1. Timbo (known as Buckets) to accommodate the hive and the honey bee.
2. Long Rope, for lowering Timbo who has filled honey.
3. Tunu / Tunam (coconut fiber at the end of a pole and burnt to embers and smoke) as a bee repellent
4. Semangkat / Stair Climb (tool to facilitateclimbing the beehive trees)

Climbing beehive trees led by Juragan known as a Squire (climbing Interpreter), which brings Tunam or Coal Fire and this skipper called Juragan Tuo. Juragan Tuo is assisted by several other climbing interpreter called Juragan Mudo who assist Juragan Tuo and under the trees also aided by some as Timbo gatherers containing honey is revealed through the rope down.  

Menumbai ceremony was conducted on the night, dark moon season. there is a belief that in the beehive tree is always inhabited by spirits and there are often times do Menumbai with unseen things, then for it to climb trees at each stage is accompanied by Monto (Mantra).

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