Friday, November 18, 2011

British Cemetery


Vacation Star | British Cemetery | British and Dutch cemetery complex is located 640 m to the east of Fort Marlborough with geographic keletakan 03o47'37, 1 "LS and 102o15'12, 2" BT. Tomb complex is located in the middle of the settlement. In this tomb complex terdpat 15 pieces tomb with the tomb shape in the form of monumental buildings.

In some buildings look more than a headstone, there are generally 2 to 4 headstone. Based on the reading of the tombstones found in this tomb complex known chronology of the graves are ranged between the years 1775 to 1940.


From observations on the chronology of the tomb complex is estimated gravestone is also used when the Dutch master of Bengkulu. This is evident from the name and language contained on these gravestones.


In the oldest tombstones until the early nineteenth century listed are the names of British and other descriptions are written in English, while on the tombstones of the younger names listed are the names and particulars of the Dutch other information is written in Dutch

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