Sunday, November 13, 2011

British Governor's Mansion Thomas Stamford Raffles


Vacation Star | British governor's Mansion Thomas Stamford Raffles | Thomas Stamford Raffles was the last British Governor of Bengkulu Bengkulu before finally control of the exchange by the Dutch colonial government with a Small Island at the tip of the Malay Peninsula, 'Singapore'.
In his reign Raffles lived in this house are not only used as a residence, is also used for various activities in his administration.Buildings 'Palace of Governors' is located about 300 meters to the North Fort Marlborough. Between these two important buildings have monument of Thomas Parr who is one important monument to both the British Nation and the Nation of Indonesia.

It is said that the story of his time there is an underground tunnel that connects it with the Governor House in Fort Marlborough to the bottom side of the monument thomas Parr.

Residence of the more impressive as the 'Palace' is very thick with the style of European architecture. Large pillars that lined the front side of the building impressive power and grandeur. The walls are thick with a wide window frames are the hallmark of the European Nations building in those days.After independence and particularly after the enactment of the residency of Bengkulu province itself become separate from the Province of South Sumatra, Building Houses residence of Thomas Stamford Raffles in gradually restored. Now the building is used as the residence of the Governor of Bengkulu house where often used as a place to perform the various activities of local government.

Buildings 'Palace' Raffles is a place not to be missed when we visited Bengkulu. The building is part of a series of inscriptions which tell us the current-generation - how much interaction between British society with the society of Bengkulu at that time was so full of impressions and stories of heroism.

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